Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Leave Us Alone Day.

So... this past Sunday my husband, Larry, and I decided we would not make ourselves available to phone calls or text messages.  We didn't check our emails, facebooks, or even.. (bom bom bom) our instagrams.  We are obviously not the first two people to ever try this... but I have to say, it was AWESOME. I'm not going to lie.. when Lar went to take a shower, I contemplated taking my phone off of "airplane mode" and checking instagram.  Addicted? I suppose. In the early part of the day I kept hitting the center button of my iphone 4 (I'm a little behind) and nothing would come up.  It was borderline depressing... or maybe I'm being dramatic (but maybe not).  It was just so strange because checking our phones is really second nature.  Sometimes I even do it while Larry is talking and I don't even notice I am doing it... nor am I listening to what he is saying (shhh). But seriously... that is rude. And it is definitely not my intention to be rude.

Anywhooo, Sunday was lovely. We spent lots of quality time with just each other. 

This was on Saturday night after sending my very last text.
(of course I had to document it... and Lar didn't care.)

On Sunday we woke up and went to a coffee shop called

It is a cute, little, trendy coffee shop that 
is filled with Belmont hipsters. 
We ate lunch and I had the most delicious caramel latte

The reason I went with the caramel latte (even though I'm a hazelnut girl)is because the frothy monkey offers homemade caramel.  Ironically I saw one of the
baristas pouring ghiradelli caramel into their bottle.

I worked on my annotated bibliography
and Lar read a little. We were so trendy for a little while.

On our way home we went grocery shopping... which was 
thoroughly uneventful.  When we got home we were so hungry that I quickly put the groceries away (in my normal obnoxiously anal fashion) and started cooking. 
I asked lar to just put the water in the fridge when I started cooking. Anyone that knows me... knows that I
am a little bit particular (or a lot).  Some would call me OCD.   
When I went into the refrigerator this is what I saw...

Someone was trying to be funny...
but this stresses me out. 

We had the most romantic dinner of all time... drum roll please...


We both ate two... don't judge.

We watched "The Hunger Games" while enjoying
our oh so romantic dinner. 
After that we hung out on our little porch area.

... and midway through the day we realized we have been married for three months!
We have officially made it longer than Kim Kardashian and 
Chris Humphries. 

Go us... I guess?

Okay.. So back to the phone thing...
I definitely think I will be doing this again.  Maybe once a month.

I first realized that I was enjoying the no phone thing when Lar and I were driving to frothy monkey and an Elton John song came one the radio.  I am a fan of Elton.  I was raised on him. I just busted out into song. Windows down. Belting at the the top of my lungs.  After the song was over I got to thinking... I wonder if I would have even noticed the song was on if I was just a passenger in the car and was on my phone. Honestly.. probably not.  

With the risk of sounding old, I want to say, the whole 'technology thing' has gotten a little out of control.  I look around and see people out to lunch and everyone
at the table is on their phone.  Or when I am walking in school and I try to make eye contact with someone and they look down at their phone to avoid eye contact. Technology is an amazing thing.  When I think about it for too long it is actually beyond my comprehension.  With that being said... I definitely think
technology has it's place. The problem is... our society abuses EVERYTHING that we are given. 

I sincerely wish I lived in a world where people 
would care to talk to the people around them. I wish people
would notice more of the little things in life (myself included).
I can really only change my own habits, but from now on
I really plan on trying to do so. I plan to be more conscious and look at the beauty around me.

1 comment:

  1. First, I loved this post.

    Second, I really appreciated and agree with a lot of what you said, especially the in the driving in the car thing. I have noticed that if I'm driving, and Jake is in the passenger seat, he is ALWAYS on his phone checking reddit,or ifunny, or any of those apps. While I don't usually mind , I love driving alone with him, mainly because I love having talks on these drives, or like you said just jamming together, but he's so attached to the phone that those talks happen less often. I too am guilty of it when I am in the passenger seat...

    So yes, I think that's a great idea, put the phones away and focus on each other.

