Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New Mama Drama

Since having a baby life has certainly changed. Usually when people tell me my hair looks nice it is because we are working with a little extra grease. "Thank you. Must be that new hair mask." When really I happen to be going on day 3 since its been shampooed. Or when I receive a text, if I answer, it's about 3 days later. Just keeping it suspenseful, obviously. So mysterious.  Usually when I tell a story I forget my point 30 seconds in resulting in a 45 minute tale of nothing as I try to find my way back.  Ask my husband, he is the lucky one who is on the receiving end of my forgetful tangents. On days that I try to wear jeans, the legging gods typically call me home. I'm becoming more and more comfortable folding laundry with a 12 pound babe on my chest (when I remember to actually start the dryer after filling it, that is), or cooking dinner while giving Ringling Brothers Circus a run for their money.

I've  always been a cryer, and by cryer I mean I sob while watching a glade candle commercial type of cryer. Since my little bug was born things have gotten extreme. Embarrassingly extreme. Holy hormones. This could be a topic in itself, so let's just leave it at that.

I have moments of loving my jiggly belly because its growth brought me the most amazing gift ever and I also have moments of sobbing (obviously) to my husband & sister because my hips are too wide to put my old jeans on. I truly truly think that motherhood also comes with a little something called split personality disorder! My prescription being some good ol' java. When I miss a dose, steer clear.

Being a mom has honestly made me a little weird.  I pray during the day that my sweet babe will sleep soundly and then I just watch her sleep on the monitor or creep into her room to watch her chest rise and fall. (Super creep.) When I'm away from her I think about the strangest things. (I.E. I wonder if amy "prescription" is making her poop hurt.... (I have actually had that thought.)) I also say some really odd shit.  "What did her poop look like?"  "Watch her hold her head up! She is so strong!"  "They should make a bottle nipple molded after the mom's nipple. I wonder if that's a thing?"  "Tummy time is so fun!"  (All actual statements!)

With all of the craziness that comes with being a new mama it is still something that I can't get over. The past 11 weeks have flown by.  I don't mind waking up in the middle of the night to fill my babe's tummy.  I don't mind jumping through hoops to make sure my little nugget is comfortable.  I don't mind holding my pee for actual hours when the situation deems necessary. I honestly don't even mind being a little bit tired 86.5% of the day (the other 13.5% are the times that I'm trying to go to sleep or stay asleep & am magically wide awake).  All of these little (but big) moments are so quickly passing and my time with my bug is truly the best time of all. (Such a mom thing to say... But seriously!) 

(An obvious baby photo post...)


  1. Love your writings Sarah.
    Love ya,
    Aunt Kath

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have thought that exact same thing about baby bottle nipples and I am not even a mom! :)
